How To: Bake Oatmeal Biscuits

I’m going to start doing some arts and crafts posts. This is the first in the series. 

These biscuits are based on Nigella Lawson’s Rainy day Biscuits.

What You Need

 2 Large Bowls
2 or 3 Baking Trays
Grease Proof Paper
Measuring Spoons
Electric Whisk
175g of Soft butter

10g of Ground Almonds (If you are allergic to nuts don’t put these in the mix, they are just to add flavour)

80g of oats

200g of Sugar

350g of Plain flour

1/4 Of a teaspoon of Almond Extract (Or Vanilla Extract if you are allergic to nuts)

 1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder

1 teaspoon of Salt

How to Make the Biscuits
Preheat the oven to 180 oC/ Gas Mark 4.

Mix the butter and sugar until it is soft. Then add in the eggs and almond extract and mix again.

Now in a different bowl mix the flour, ground almonds, oats, baking powder and salt.

 Once you have mixed your dry Ingredients, add them to the liquid ingredients slowly whilst mixing together.

Once you have mixed all the ingredients together, you should have dough. Using your hands make the dough a round shape.

Spread flour over a clean surface and onto your rolling pin. Place the dough on the flour covered surface, roll it using the rolling pin until it is about 1cm in height. Now start cutting the dough into the shapes you want using a dough cutter, then once you have done. Place the biscuits onto a baking tray with grease proof paper on it (or covered in butter). Now put the baking tray into the oven and leave to bake for around 10-15 minutes.

 Homemade cookie stamp I stamped on myself.
Place the biscuits onto a cooling rack and leave them to cool down. Now that the biscuits have cooled down enjoy!
