You Were Gone By Tim Weaver book review

With everything going on in the world right now, I wanted to finally get around to reading more books. I don't often read anymore with the temptation of going on my phone or watching netflix before bed, but during these unprecidented times I wanted to switch off from the world more for a few hours everyday.

The first book I read during quarantine was ' You Were Gone' by Tim Weaver. This happens to be the ninth book in the David Raker series by Tim Weaver, however I didn't know this before reading the book as you don't need to have read the prior books in order to understand the story.

This book tells the story of a woman who shows up at Charing Cross police station one day claiming to be the wife of David Raker, a private detective, and claims that she has been missing for 8 years, however his wife has been dead for 8 years. The book is a thrilling story and I struggled to put the book down as most chapters end on a sort of cliff hanger and the next chapter picks up right where you left off.  The stroy is told mostly by David, but also by another unknown character to writes diary entries to Derryn, David's wife. The mystery of who is writing the diaries entries to Derryn,who is suppose to be dead, and why is this happening to David? Had David got some form of illness causing him to believe his wife is dead? Or is he telling the truth? It is so gripping that I was unable to put the book down.

10/10 - I really recommend this book.
