London Fashion Week ~ Part 2

Sorry I've updated so late, my laptop has been broken. Some of my pictures got lost because of this so I have not got all the pictures but I've posted the ones that I have.

This is Part 2 of my London Fashion Weekend post. This will be about the Catwalks.

I saw 4 Catwalks: 'Pretty In Pink', 'Back To Nature', 'Shape Up' and 'Victoriana'. 

This was my favourite outfit out of the 'Pretty In Pink' collection. I like it because I think the outfit looks very nice and bright but I wouldn't wear it.

Unfortunately the lights are too bright in this picture to see what it says, but it is starting the 'Back To Nature' collection

This was my favourite outfit from the 'Back To Nature' collection because I love the jacket and the boots look amazing.

Unfortunately the rest of the pictures I took from this collection got lost.

This was my favourite outfit from the collection. I liked it because I love the detail on the skirt and the shirt and jacket complement it as they are simple but look nice.
