As it's winter, everyone's lips get very dry and have dry skin on them so Lip Scrub is very good to get the dry skin off. In shops lip scrub is around £2-3 which is quite expensive when you can make it yourself for almost nothing!
You Will Need:
1 Table spoon of Olive Oil
2-3 Table spoons of Sugar
A drizzle of Honey- The picture I took of the honey wasn't very good so unfortunately I don't have one.
1 Tea spoon of Vanilla essence
A small bowl
If you want your Lip Scrub to be a different colour (like mine is) then add a few drops of food colouring. Also if you want you can use a travel pot to put you lip scrub into like I did.
How To Make Your Lip Scrub
Step 1: Put 1-2 Table spoons of sugar into your bowl. Then add the Olive oil and a drizzle of honey.
Step 2: Add you Vanilla essence, if you want food colouring add it in now.
Step 3: Mix everything together, until it is chunky not liquid.
If you Lip Scrub has too much liquid then add more sugar, until it begins to solidify a bit more.
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