Little Miss Sunshine - Movie Review

"Little Miss Sunshine" is a comedy-drama which follows the lives of the Hoover family, when it is discovered that Olive, the 7 year old daughter who is runner up in the local beauty pageant, has qualified for "Little Miss Sunshine" in California. As the family cannot afford the flight from Albuquerque to California they decide to take a road trip there in their Volkswagen van, where hilarity and unexpected turns occur.

8/10 -This film is a feel good film. "Little Miss Sunshine" shows that no matter what you look like you are perfect, unconditional family love and a journey of discovery, for example Dwayne has taken a vow of silence until he becomes a fighter jet pilot and is still accepted even though he does not talk. This film has a dark sense of humour so not everyone may find all of the film funny, however there are comedy aspects that everyone can enjoy. I also enjoyed the directing of the film, the way you get to know the characters allows a deeper look into all of them and shows their development through the film.  
